Building Reefs And Nurseries for Coral Habitats
Welcome to BRANCH Coral, where our mission is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of coral reefs through innovative practices. We believe in proactive conservation efforts to safeguard these vital ecosystems, which are facing unprecedented threats from climate change, pollution, and human activities.

Coral reefs are not only beautiful underwater landscapes; they are crucial ecosystems supporting a diverse array of marine life and providing essential services to coastal communities. Over 6 million people worldwide depend on coral reefs for food, livelihoods, and cultural heritage. They also offer employment, recreation, coastline protection, and even medical resources.

At BRANCH Coral, we're committed to proactive reef restoration efforts, including building coral nurseries and filling them with endangered staghorn coral to bolster the resilience of these fragile ecosystems. But we don't stop there. Through our educational programs, we raise awareness about coral reef importance and empower individuals to take action in conservation. Community engagement is central to our mission. We collaborate with local stakeholders to instill a sense of ownership and responsibility for reef protection. Join us in our journey to preserve these invaluable ecosystems for future generations.

The BRANCH Coral Foundation was founded in 2022. BRANCH Coral Foundation has a certified ANBI status: RSIN 8272.81.249

Max van Aalst


Maarten van der Kuijl

Board member

Max van Aalst


Noëlla Bérénos-Ruivenkamp

Board Member

Daniel Corsen

Board Member

Olivia Grubenmann

Master student Université Côte d'Azur 2023

Olivia was one of the first interns at BRANCH Coral Foundation. Her expertise in guiding NGO's into reaching their goals was just what we needed! Oliva created an extensive project plan for BRANCH that we use to this day. On top of that, she organised and executed our social media outreach. She also became a passionate diver and a pro in coral restoration. We are not surprised that Olivia got offered a job as communications manager at Blue Alliance in Switzerland right after her graduation. We wish you all the best! You can find her project plan here:

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Jente van Langerak

Bachelor Radboud University 2023

As part of her research internship at Radboud University, Jente helped BRANCH Coral Foundation with our coral restoration efforts. Jente conducted research on coral restoration techniques, improving outplanting survival and helped with our outreach. Besides her passion for nature, Jente is excelling in the art of music and theatre. You can find her thesis here:

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Olle Juch

Student Kust- en Zee management HVHL 2023

During her 3 month internship, Olle focussed on multiple factors influencing the success of our coral outplant survival. She monitored coral growth, fish biomass and diversity and abiotic factors that could play a role. Her dedication and enthusiasm was of great value for our foundation. You can find her rapport here.

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Wendy Hofland

Student Kust- en Zee management HVHL 2023

When Wendy's parents decided to move to Curacao, it was a clear decision that she wanted to do her internship on this beautiful island too. Luckily for BRANCH, she contacted us and soon after, she was part of our team. With almost any diver certificate you can think of, she was like a fish in the water. Wendy contributed to our SCTLD treatment efforts and brought a smile to all of our faces.

Sam Pronk

Bachelor student HVHL 2024

Sam and his sister Anne, moved back to Curacao during the first half of 2024. They were not unfamiliar with the island since they have lived here as young children. Sam joined BRANCH as an intern from the HVL coast and ocean management study. Just like the ocean he has a calm way of working, yet dedicated like waves hitting the coast. His study helped us improve our coral outplanting techniques.

Maarten van Aalst

Volunteer and employee of BRANCH 2023-now

In 2023, Maarten decided to move to Curacao for half a year, to work with BRANCH Coral Foundation. His work and commitment was invaluable for us. Maarten became a professional coral restoration diver and helped us with making new partnerships. Currently Maarten is working for BRANCH in the Netherlands, helping us achieve our long term goals which will help us upscale our coral restoration methods.

Monica Lafon

Volunteer 2023

In 2023, Monica, left Mexico to join BRANCH for half a year to focus on finding partnerships and to connect BRANCH with world wide conservation organisations. Her experience with coral restoration and communication contributed greatly to BRANCH.

Lisanne van Britsom

current volunteer

With her expertise in online marketing, Lisanne is a great contribution to our foundation. Currently living in the Netherlands, Lisanne, is working on our website and digital footprint. We can't wait to have her here in Curacao, diving with us.

Menno Bas

Volunteer 2024

After completing his Master of Science in Bio-Inspired Innovation, Menno became a beloved biology teacher in the Netherlands. This year however, he wanted to explore something else and he moved to Curacao to work with BRANCH for half a year. During his studies, Menno worked with BlueLinked on innovations in ex situ sustainable aquaculture. His experience in education and conservation were of great value to us. Menno is a great teamplayer and multifunctional. During his stay on Curacao he also worked with GreenKidz to improve their education materials on terrestrial nature. On top of that, he is ranked #40 of the best swimmers in the Netherlands.

Anne Pronk

Social media manager and restoration diver 2024

Anne joined her brother Sam, during his internship at BRANCH, and what a welcome surprise that was! Her experience in social media management improved our outreach immensely. Soon she became addicted to diving and helped us with our coral restoration efforts. We wouldn't be surprised to see her back her on Curacao soon

Sidney Jongejans

Student development online education and restoration diver 2024

Sidney moved to Curacao for her internship together with BRANCH and Porto Mari Sports. Not only did she contribute to our coral restoration efforts, she also became a professional PADI Divemaster. As a geography teacher in training, she used her education skills to help BRANCH improving their online coral restoration course which will soon become available. As the rocky mountains, Sidney formed the backbone of our team, bringing everyone together. She also contributed greatly to our social media outreach.

Anique Greijmans

Musician, videographer and coral restoration diver 2022-Now

Born on Curacao, Anique has a great passion for our island. Anique is invaluable for BRANCH because of her experience in music and editing. Together with Oscar Bor, she performed during our charity events making many guests fall in love with her voice and show. Besides being a great singer she has a Masters degree in international development studies and is skilled in graphic design. BRANCH is happy to have her on our team!

Emmeken van den Dungen

Volunteer 2023

Emmeken has a Masters degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Utrecht. Currently she is working for the Dutch Government in The Hague. Last year Emmeken joined BRANCH as a volunteer for a few months and helped us in our coral restoration efforts and created many of our newsletters. We loved working together with Emmeken and we wish her all the best with her new career!

Berni Janssen

Profiel werkstuk Vespucci college Curacao 2024

As part of her graduation from highschool, Berni worked with BRANCH on monitoring our restoration areas for the SCTLD coral disease and helped us with SCTLD treatment for affected corals. After a successful graduation, Berni is off to explore the world, who knows where she will help the world next! You can find her report here:

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Financial Report 2023
BRANCH's first extended financial year has been completed with success. 
We hereby share our Financial Report of 2023. 

Thanks to the help of our partners, sponsors and volunteers, we have been able to jumpstart many of our goals in the field of reef restoration around Curacao and raising awareness together with the local community and people who visit our beautiful island. 

Together with you, we are committed to achieving even more goals in 2024. Thank you!

Building reefs together for a better future above and below water.
  • Curaçao